Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday 3/18 Call to Action

It's worth taking a look at what it would take to reduce the malapportionment of the Senate.  For the senate, "the 20 two-Republican states had a total population of 99,576,045 and the 16 two-Democrat states totaled 126,215,202."

One fix is to let Washington D.C. join the Senate.  Call Congresspeople to support H.R. 51 and Senators to support S. 631.  While these bills won't necessarily pass this Congress, making this solution more visible would be a solid step toward making the senate more functional and more representative.


On Saturday, Trump vetoed legislation passed by the Senate 59-41 to stop his national emergency declaration to build his wall.

"President Donald Trump’s first veto was more than a milestone. It signals a new era of ever perilous relations between the executive and legislative branches of government."


"Republicans in Congress are demonstrating new willingness to part ways with the president. On the Senate vote Thursday rejecting the president’s national emergency declaration to get border wall funding, 12 Republicans joined Democrats in voting against Trump."

In a bit of local news, "Rep. Ray Dehn will try to convince fellow lawmakers to foot the bill for a mural celebrating the life of the late Minnesota music icon Prince."

Special Election on March 19th
Did you know that there is a special election happening in District 11B on March 19th? The election is set to fill the seat vacated by Republican Jason Rarick who was elected as the District’s senator in February. Republican Nathan Nelson will be running against DFL candidate Tim Burkhardt. Read more about it here:…/2019_Minnesota_House_of_Represen……/house-district-11b-special-e…/

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House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
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Governor Walz

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