Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday 2/23 Call to Action

1. School Safety
Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos want you to think that school safety is a priority but their actions state otherwise. Trump’s FY’19 budget request included major funding cuts for violence prevention and recovery assistance programs in public schools. The money Trump would like to eliminate could be used for counselors, and programs designed to curtail violence in school. If Trump gets his way. he will cut the Education Department’s funding for school safety activities by 36%. DeVos has called for the dismantling of the Project School emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) and Project Prevent Grant programs.
This is just another reason to call our members of Congress and tell them to oppose Trump’s budget.…/…/1…/trump-budget-2019-release-explained
2. Net Neutrality
Yesterday, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) published their revocation order in the Federal Register. Net neutrality rules will officially roll back on April 23rd. Multiple attorneys general, including Minnesota’s have sued the FCC over the repeal.
Senate Democrats are working hard to compile enough votes to restore net neutrality as well. At this point they are just one vote away from success.…/democrats-just-one-vote-shy-of-…/ An online day of action is planned on February 27th, in hopes of convincing one more senator to get on board.…/tumblr-sonos-back-net-neutralit…/
If nothing is done, over the course of this year you will most likely see internet providers introduce tiered plans that will provide better access to the web for more money (much like television cable services). That sounds like a disaster.
Today, you can call Minnesota’s Attorney General Lori Swanson and thank her for fighting for net neutrality.
Office of Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson
445 Minnesota Street
Suite 1400
St. Paul, MN 55101-2131\
Twin Cities Calling Area:
(651) 296-3353
Outside the Twin Cities:
(800) 657-3787
Contact your federal members of Congress and remind them to keep fighting for a free and open internet.
Contact your state members of Congress and ask them what plans they have to save net neutrality at the state level.
Watch this video from Burger King that gives a good example of why net neutrality is important. It’s pretty fantastic.
3. Don’t forget the Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence that will take place on Friday, 2/23 in Lakeville starting at 6 pm. .
Smith (202) 224-5641
House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
MN Legislators:
Governor Dayton-

David Bowie performing Changes live at the Hammersmith Odeon in 1973. Watch more live videos from David Bowie…

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