Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wednesday 2/21 Call to Action

1. Coastal Drilling vs. Marine Life
Last month, the Trump administration announced it would reverse environmental protections imposed by the Obama administration that prevented offshore oil and gas drilling in the United States coastal waters. ( )
Now the Trump administration is allowing companies to explore the shores off of the Atlantic coast for oil reserves using seismic air guns. The sound waves help to survey thousands of miles of seabeds. The air guns create a very loud sound that research shows could harm a vast array of marine life from whales to even plankton. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has assured us that he will make sure the government protects the environment. It seems like his track record says otherwise. Read more about it here:
All of this comes at a time when the United State’s most important institutions are being dismantled from within. Earlier this week EPA’s Scott Pruitt announced that he was closing the National Exposure Research Laboratory in Las Vegas. The Trump administration plans on cutting the EPA’s budget by 23% and slashing programs. The loss of experienced workforce will affect us for decades to come. Read more here: Or here:…/374167-the-79-million-plan-to-gut-epa-…
If we can no longer rely on our federal government to protect our country, let’s make sure that our state government is up for that task of protecting Minnesota. Give your state and federal members of Congress a call and tell them we want Minnesota’s lands and wildlife to be top priority.
Contact EPA Chief Scott Pruitt and let him know we are paying attention.
(202) 564-4700
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460
Twitter: @EPAScottPruitt.
Contact Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and tell him leave marine animals in peace.
(202) 208-3100
Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240
Twitter: @SecretaryZinke
2. Guns in Americans
Just days after experiencing devastating trauma, students from schools in Parkland, Florida made the 400 mile trek to their state capitol in Tallahassee to urge lawmakers to take steps to prevent another massacre. Unfortunately, the Florida House voted down a motion to take up a bill that would ban assault rifles. Another blow to kids who have already gone through too much.…/days-after-high-school-shooting-flori…
Did you know that since 1996, the government has prohibited funds for gun related research? How can our legislators make informed decisions without insight into the whole story? The answer is, they can’t. It’s time for us to demand that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gets proper funding to study gun violence in America.…/cdc-still-cant-study-caus…/
Did you know that Minnesota has its own bans on collecting gun related information? That’s nuts!
From Watch Your Reps MN:
Minnesota Statute 144.05, Subd.5. Firearms data. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the commissioner of health is prohibited from collecting data on individuals regarding lawful firearm ownership in the state of data related to an individual’s right to carry a weapon under section 624.714.
624.17, Subd. 20. Monitoring. (d) Nothing contained in any provision of this section or any other law requires or authorizes the registrations, documentation, collection, or providing of serial numbers or other data on firearms or on firearms’ owners.
If this bothers you take the time today to contact your federal and state members of Congress.
Join the Rally in the Rotunda for Sensible Gun Laws tomorrow (Thursday) 2/22 from 2-3:15 pm
Don’t forget the Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence that will take place on Friday, 2/23 as well.
If you would like to follow what is happening locally I recommend getting to know these two groups.
Minnesota Indivisible Local
Smith (202) 224-5641
House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
MN Legislators:
Governor Dayton-
sounds from the ocean

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