Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday 6/2 CTA

Yesterday’s news of Trump’s decision to pull America from the Paris climate agreement has me feeling defeated. It’s like the America I love is slipping through my hands like sand. No matter how hard I try, important things are getting lost.
1. The Paris Climate Agreement
Yesterday in the White House Rose Garden, Trump announced that he would pull the United States out of the Paris agreement. The dismay of U.S. citizens, environmentalists, companies, and other world leaders was palpable. Why did Trump decide to do this? He believes the agreement would hurt companies and decrease job opportunities in the U.S. He also believes that it is unfair that America has to contribute so much money ($3 billion to help developing countries). The U.S. is the second biggest carbon producer after China. With the U.S. out of the Paris agreement, the hopes of limiting the rise of Earth’s temperature to 2 degrees Celsius are dim.
Despite Trump’s decision to leave, many countries have stated publicly that they will continue to participate in the agreement. The reality is, Trump has hurt the planet, hurt America’s roll as a world leader, and opened a space for other counties to take our place at the table. Instead of saving jobs, Trump may have stunted the growth of America’s technology and renewable energy industries, providers of good, high paying jobs.
 Read more here:…/trump-paris-climate-agreement.htm…
Perhaps the lesson of the Trump administration will be that America’s greatness really lies within each of us. In the absence of a leader, we can and will lead ourselves. Despite Trump’s plan to withdraw from the Paris accord, many companies, local governments, and universities have committed to submitting their own pledge to the United Nations. Read about that here:…/american-cities-climate-standards…
Check out what some big U.S. companies have to say:…/climate-change-tesla-corporations…
Here are statements from the Governor and Lt. Governor:
So what can we do? We can call Governor Dayton and encourage him to join the U.S. Climate Alliance (…/climate-alliance-paris-accord-new-york-c…/). We can call our U.S. representative and senators and ask them what they can do to support the reduction of carbon emissions in Minnesota. We can call our mayors and state legislators and ask them what they will do to make green choices at the local level. What can you do at home?
*Change your electricity supplier to one who provides energy from 100% renewable sources.
*Many businesses have committed to become carbon neutral: support them—and let them know why!
*Make your next car purchase a hybrid or electric one.
 *If you travel, some airlines will offset your share of CO2 emissions for a reasonable fee.
*Plant a native garden or a rain garden. Blue Thumb can help and may even pay you $$!
*Or check out this list for some other easy ideas:
Trump’s decision to leave the Paris accord is despicable, but don’t let it distract you from the other issues at hand. Trump’s involvement with Russia is still a problem. (Like the fact that the Trump administration looked to lift sanctions on Russia shortly after arriving in Washington-…/former-diplomats-trump-team-sought…). The AHCA is still terrible. The Trump administration is still trying to sabotage the ACA (…/-The-IRS-is-NOT-collecting-the-In…). It’s time to eat your Wheaties folks. This is going to be a long haul.
House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
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Out and About
Saturday 6/3 10 am -12 pm
Al Franken signs copies of Al Franken: Giant of the Senate
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314 Division St S, Northfield, Minnesota 55057
Saturday 6/3 10 am-12:30 pm
Action Together Twin Cities - Summer Action Fair
Robert Bruininks Hall
222 Pleasant St SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

1 comment:

  1. I live your tips to do at home. We have a sustainable yard and rain garden and Blue Thumb looks like a great resource, thanks! People can also contact the county Watershed District for free advice and get a grant for a water garden
