Sunday, November 5, 2017

Monday 11/6 Call to Action

Monday 11/6 Call to Action

It looks like the Russia probe continues; Flynn and son could be up soon.  Let's be aware that, although it might not be the best political move for the president to fire Mueller, the president might not be quite as thoughtful and rational as usual, particularly if it looks like his own family might be under the microscope.  See:

1. Oppose the USA Liberty Act, which extends warantless surveillance.  There's a petition here, but we can also call our representatives.  We should support the USA RIGHTS Act.

2. Congress needs to have hearings into conflicts of interest between the administration and Russia.  "Ties between several key Trump administration figures and Russia figure prominently in the newly disclosed “Paradise Papers” about the workings of secret offshore tax havens. (The papers were leaked from Appleby, one of the world's largest offshore law firms.) These warrant immediate congressional hearings." Let's call and ask for those hearings.

3. We should oppose the Johnson amendment, that allows churches to endorse political candidates.  If churches want to act politically, they should pay taxes.  This has the potential to allow churches to accept large contributions and use those contributions to push a political agenda.

House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
MN Legislators:
Governor Dayton-
Congressional District 2 residents: Check out this website for information about groups and events in your area.

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