Sunday, August 5, 2018

Monday 8/6 Call to Action

Normally, the president's Twitter feed isn't worth spreading.  But Sunday morning, Trump admitted the Trump Tower meeting was "to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics."  He also called called the press the enemy of the American people, and accused them of causing war.  Government speech like this has precipitated violence or arrests of the press in other countries.

1. Send some texts for Danny O'Conner. 

Danny O'Conner is running for a special election House seat in Ohio.  He's closed in on his opponent.  Can you send some texts to help out?  There are two-hour slots Monday and Tuesday, morning until 6pm!

2. From Rogan's List:

“A bipartisan group of senators is introducing legislation to impose "crushing" new financial penalties on Russia. The bill would slap new sanctions on Moscow, require two-thirds Senate approval if President Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO and force the State Department to determine if Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism.”  The bill not yet numbered, but let’s let our senators know that this is the kind of action we expect from Congress and that we want them to co-sponsor and support this bill."

3. Protect our Votes is an organization that conducts “election, voting machine and ballot research on a state, county and precinct level.” Let’s check this out and see what we can learn and how we can help:
The Final Stretch
This is it. We are in the final stretch before the midterm elections. It cannot be overstated how important it is that Democrats get elected in November. Every person needs to commit to helping increase voter turnout. Multiple studies have shown that personal contact with voters is the key to encouraging them to participate. Taking time to connect with someone fact to face (or almost as good-on the phone) can be enough to cause many people who never voted in the past to see themselves anew, as the sorts of people who regularly go to the polls on Election Day. In turn, voting even once can become habit forming, reinforcing self-identification as “a voter” long after the initial conversation with a canvasser. What is more, voter contacts have strong spillover effects within households, boosting participation by others as much as 60 percent. Largely regardless of the message, personal contact with reluctant voters — even once, but especially repeatedly — can shape the electorate dramatically.
What’s the takeaway? Now is the time to volunteer with a campaign to canvass. Push yourself out of your comfort zone these next three months. Share your enthusiasm for the DFL with others in Minnesota communities. You can rest easy at night knowing that you are doing your best to take back this country.
Check out these calendars for upcoming events near you.
Study after study shows that the most effective way to get people to vote is by having conversations with them in the four days before Election Day (Saturday, November 3rd–Tuesday, November 6th). Volunteer here to be part of the last big push.
Join your neighbors to stand up against Trump and his terrible administration. #StandOnEveryCorner encourages all of us to get out in our communities and speak out about what’s happening in the U.S. right now. It’s simple and easy. Grab a sign and find a participating corner near you. Better yet, create your own corner and encourage others to join you. Learn more from this article here:
Or here:
This tweet lists some of the participating spots. There are many in the Twin Cities.
Primaries are August 14th
Don’t forget to vote in the primaries by August 14th. Check out this website for more information on who’s running in Minnesota.
Smith (202) 224-5641
House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
MN Legislators:
Governor Dayton-

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