Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday 8/21 Call to Action

Russian Hackers
APT28, a hacking group affiliated with the Russian government, created phony versions of six websites, with the goal of hacking into the computers of people who visited the fake sites. Some of these websites were government related. APT28 is the same group that interfered with the 2016 presidential election. Microsoft is working to shut down these operations. Earlier this month,
Facebook announced that it had detected and shut down more than 30 Russia-linked fake pages that were designed to influence U.S. midterm elections. Have no doubt that the Russian are currently and will continue to meddle in our midterm elections. What is our government doing to prevent this? That’s a good question to ask your members of Congress. Call them today tell them to support the DETER Act. (S2313/H.R. 4884) This bill makes punishment for election interference automatic.
The Elections Board in Randolph County, Georgia has proposed shutting 7 out of 9 polling places in the area, using the excuse that the polling places do not comply with ADA requirements. These 7 polling places also happen to service a heavily African American community, many of which do not have transportation. If this proposal goes through, it will make it extremely difficult for these residents to vote. The Randolph County Board of Elections will be making their decision later this week. Why not give them a call at (336) 819-3900 and demand that these polling places stay open. Also take a moment to be thankful we live in a state that makes it easy to vote. Thanks Secretary Simon!
Clean Air
Today, the Trump administration will replace President Obama’s Clean Power Plan with weaker greenhouse gas rules for power plants. The new plan will hand authority to the states to create narrower rules to limit greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired plants, resulting in the release of far more of the gases than the Obama rule would have allowed. The Trump administration is hellbent on taking us backward. Let’s not go silently. The EPA will most likely hold a 60-day comment period. Make sure you remind them that climate change is real and citizens of the United States deserve clean air. Here’s the EPA website: https://www.epa.gov/…/view-dockets-open-public-comment-prog…
You only need to look at the devastating effects that air pollution has created in China to see our future if we don’t rein in this Trump administration. https://news.vice.com/…/chinas-dirty-air-just-hit-doomsday-…
The best way to change all the terrible things that are happening every day is to vote in November. Besides getting ourselves to the polls, we need to encourage others to do so as well.
As a whole, we need to stop trying to bring Republicans over to our side in November. The best path to victory for the midterms is to reach those in the community who have not voted in the past and get them to participate. We should all be working to do this now. Studies have shown that the best way to accomplish this is by talking to voters in person, on the phone or via texts. Literature is also an effective means of communication. The more personal the interaction the better. To accomplish this, candidates need hoards of volunteers. Your biggest call to action from now until November is to be part of this movement to vote.
Each candidate on the November ballot will have a website where you can sign up to volunteer. That are myriad ways to help so if you haven’t already, sign up and get busy.
Check out these calendars for upcoming events near you.
Study after study shows that the most effective way to get people to vote is by having conversations with them in the four days before Election Day (Saturday, November 3rd–Tuesday, November 6th). Volunteer here to be part of the last big push. https://thelastweekend.org/?source=MN02
Sister District Action Network did a study on the impact of postcards on voter registration and released the results showing positive results:https://mailchi.mp/…/dark-money-fireside-chat-and-critical-… Let’s read the report and keep on writing postcards!
Smith (202) 224-5641
House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
MN Legislators: https://www.leg.state.mn.us/leg/legislators
Resistbot: https://resistbot.io/
Governor Dayton- https://mn.gov/governor/contact-us/
Logic and Ryan Tedder perform 'One Day' at the 2018 Video Music Awards in New York City. Check out…

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