Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday 7/17 Call to Action

1. Treason
Yesterday, Trump committed treason as he stood beside Putin and cast doubts over accusations of Russia’s interference in the US’s 2016 elections, vowing to build an extraordinary relationship with them. Trump's behavior was not only shameful, but bizarre and seriously worrisome. The president of the United States not only sided with the Russian president, but he did so against the American intelligence community, the American law enforcement community, and the American system of justice.
This was a particularly low blow considering that last week Trump was at the NATO summit disparaging UK’s Prime Minister May, labeling the Western alliance as delinquent, and the European Union a foe.
It appears we may be entering another cold war. This time however, our president and the entire Republican party appear to be complicit.
What can we do? Well, we can contact our members of Congress. I know my Congressman (Lewis) has been particularly quiet about this. We can urge our Senators to get tough and think outside the box. We need to protect our country.
We can vote and encourage others to do so as well. Commit today to volunteering with a local campaign. At this point, we should all be helping at least once a week.
What good is voting if we cannot trust the election system? Our own MN Secretary of State Steve Simon has expressed concerns. (https://www.facebook.com/MNSteveSimon/posts/1234683516686206)
Senator Klobuchar has as well. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Friday that hackers within Russia's GRU military intelligence service targeted state and local election boards, infiltrated a Florida-based company that supplies software for voting machines across the country, and broke into a state election website to steal sensitive information on about 500,000 American voters. It is vital that we enact election security legislation to protect election infrastructure from attack from foreign entities. Sen. Klobuchar has co-sponsored the Secure Elections Act. https://www.congress.gov/bi…/115th-congress/senate-bill/2261.
We need to start considering bigger things, like non-violent actions. Non-violent struggle has proven to be one of the most effective ways of changing the world. The bad news is, it can be difficult to organize groups to work together. The good news is, our 1.5 years working in Indivisible groups has given us a lot of practice! The keys to success with this type of protest are unity, planning and maintaining non-violence. While social media is a great way to reach out and communicate, the nonviolent struggle is won in the real world, in the streets. You will never change your society towards democracy if you sit down and click. Instead of complaining about what we hate we need a comprehensive list of what we really want and push for reform.
Check out this TED Talk for more information
How to topple a dictator (Srdja Popovic | TEDxKrakow) https://ted.com/tal…/srdja_popovic_how_to_topple_a_dictator… via @TEDTalks
Learn more about Maria J. Stephan, director of the Program on Nonviolent Action at the U.S. Institute of Peace https://www.usip.org/people/maria-j-stephan or listen to her speak here: https://youtu.be/jzV9K_49MpM
We can no longer just sit back and do nothing. It may seem hyperbolic, but Trump’s statements yesterday have confirmed that we are in a state of emergency. It is time to act.
2 Russia’s Connection to The GOP
Maria Butina, a Russian woman with ties to a senior Russian government official was charged in Washington on Monday with conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian Federation, including by building ties to the leadership of the National Rifle Association and other conservative political organizations.
Butina is accused of trying to cultivate relationships with American politicians (the GOP) to establish “back channel” lines of communication and seeking to infiltrate U.S. political groups, including an unnamed “gun rights organization,” to advance Russia’s agenda. Descriptions in court papers match published reports about Butina’s interactions with the NRA.
In short, Butina was funneling money through the NRA to gain influence with members of the GOP. Holy Moly!
Read more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/d1d4832a-8929-11e8-85ae-51…
Or watch Rachel Maddow explain it here: Maddow: Time for Americans to face 'worst case scenario' on Trump http://www.msnbc.com/…/maddow-time-for-americans-to-face-wo… via @msnbc
Give your members of Congress a call!
3. Don’t forget about SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh or the children still separated from their parents at the border.
4. Local Candidate in Need
Tina Folch, House candidate for 54B was busy door knocking when she fell in a hole, landed hard, and broke both of her arms (!!!). Luckily, Tina is tough, (There is no quit in her!) but she needs our help to flip this seat to blue in November. Please commit to helping Tina door knock or march in a parade. If we each help once or twice, Tina will kick some butt!
Sign up for events here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TinaFolch4House/events/
5. Vote Now From Home!
**Secretary of State Steve Simon is reporting a 60% increase in absentee voter applications from the last election cycle! This is awesome!!**
Minnesota is lucky. We have a great voting program that makes it easy for us to get out the vote. You are now able vote early for the Primaries that take place on August 14th. Check out this page from CD2Action that answers some FAQ’s about primary voting. https://cd2action.com/voting-in-the-primaries-101/
Don’t forget, you can vote from home in your jammies. Just sign up here (https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/AB…/ABRegistrationStep1.aspx) for an absentee ballot and one will be mailed to you for free.
If Trump fires Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, please be ready to take to the streets in protest.
Smith (202) 224-5641
House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
MN Legislators: https://www.leg.state.mn.us/leg/legislators
Resistbot: https://resistbot.io/
Governor Dayton- https://mn.gov/governor/contact-us/
The Beatles 1 Video Collection is Out Now. Get your copy here: http://thebeatles1.lnk.to/DeluxeBluRay“When you talk about destruction, don’t you know…

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