Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday 4/17 Call to Action

1. Migratory Bird Treaty Act
I love birds. This time of year it’s a delight to see all the different species fly over my house or visit my feeders on the way to somewhere else (I saw a warbler!) The Migratory Bird Treaty Act was created a century ago to protect birds after many migratory birds became extinct. Unfortunately, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is under attack from the Trump administration.
A directive from the Interior Department, run by Ryan Zinke, along with sections of the bill HR 4239 SECURE American Energy Act, would sap the strength from this law that protects birds. How? Going forward, persons or companies would not be held responsible for killing migratory birds if that was not their initial intent. An example from this article is razing a barn knowing that it is full of owlet nests. This new rule would also apply to bigger catastrophes like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, that destroyed or injured millions of birds. Clean up and damages from that disaster were very expensive for the oil company, BP. Going forward they would have less culpability for damages.
So now we get to the crux of this new directive. This is a windfall for oil companies. Isn’t it funny how it always goes back to to that? Actually, it’s not funny at all.
Today, you can call your three members of Congress and tell them that you see what’s going on and you don’t like it one bit. While you are at it, contact Secretary Zinke as well. Minnesotans care about wildlife (birds) and the environment and we expect a strong adherence to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Tell your representative that a vote for the pro-fossil fuel/anti-wildlife protection HR 4239 will be a vote against their reelection in the fall.
Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N. W.
Washington DC 20240
Do you want to do more to help our fine, feathered friends? Check out these groups.
American Bird Conservancy https://abcbirds.org/
Audubon Minnesota http://mn.audubon.org/
2. Firearm Data Collection for Research
The Firearm Data Collection for Research bill is at the Minnesota Capitol this week. (SF2726/HF2891) This bill would allow the Department of Health to collect information on firearm ownership. For some crazy reason, state law currently prohibits the MN Department of Health from collecting data. Studies have shown that inadequate data is one of the biggest barriers against understanding and preventing gun violence. This bill is a great idea and we should encourage our members to support it. Call them today.
If you can, join Moms Demand Action’s Lobby Day and Rally tomorrow, April 18th. https://protectmn.org/…/moms-demand-action-lobby-day-and-r…/
Check out CD2Action for more information. https://cd2action.com/take-action-gun-violence-prevention/
3. Syrian Refugees.
From Rogan’s list: The administration may be claiming that our recent strikes are in retaliation for the horrific chemical weapons attack the Syrian government launched against its own people, but if the president really cared about civilians in Syria, he would relax the rules against admitting refugees. Only 11 Syrian refugees have been allowed into the country in 2018 (https://www.npr.org/…/the-u-s-has-welcomed-only-11-syrian-r…). Let’s tell our MoCs we are disgusted by this hypocrisy and we want to open our doors to people in need.

Sites to Check:
CD2Action https://cd2action.com/, @CD2action
League of Women Voters MN https://lwvmn.org/
Dates to Remember
Wednesday, April 18th Moms Demand Action Lobby Day at The Capitol
Join Moms Demand Action at the Capitol in St. Paul to meet with your representatives and urge them to support common sense gun safety measures. Meet at Christ Lutheran Church at 9:30am and then walk over to the Capitol after a brief training. We will rally in the Rotunda at 11am. Please wear your Moms Demand Action t-shirts or red!
Smith (202) 224-5641
House of Representative switchboard: (202) 224-3121
MN Legislators: https://www.leg.state.mn.us/leg/legislators
Resistbot: https://resistbot.io/
Governor Dayton- https://mn.gov/governor/contact-us/
Music video for Spoon - "The Underdog"

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